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Best Book Ever

Mar 28, 2022


Episode 091 Rohit Marawar on “Quiet” by Susan Cain


Rohit Marawar is a father of two, a husband, a physician, and an immigrant. Rohit is also a self-described introvert. But nowadays he feels empowered by introversion and is attuned to its needs. However, this was not always the case. 


I had the best time...

Mar 21, 2022

Jerry Fu is a conflict resolution coach who helps Asian American leaders advance in their career and life journeys. He’s also a voracious and wide-ranging reader, and I was delighted he joined me today to talk about a classic true story of survival and forgiveness, “Unbroken” by Laura Hillenbrand.


Follow the...

Mar 7, 2022

Today I’m thrilled to be joined by Stephen Pelton, artistic director of the Stephen Pelton Dance Studio in London, England. Stephen is, by his own admission, obsessed with Virgina Woolf, and today we talk about “Mrs. Dalloway” through the eyes of a dancer. He tells me how he uses literature in his choreography,...